Medical Disclaimer

As used above, “The Websites” refers to the Diabetesbasher website located at and all related digital and downloadable information goods (menus, meal plans, programmes, recipes, emails, and other digital content).

Please read this medical disclaimer, together with our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, before using The Websites. By continuing to browse The Websites, you signify your acceptance of the Medical Disclaimer, Terms & Conditions, and Privacy Policy outlined below.

We have the right to change the conditions of this contract at any time. If you access the Websites when we publish any such modifications, you are agreeing to the updated terms.

Medical Disclaimer

This website’s content is not meant to, and should not be used in replacement of, a professional medical diagnosis, evaluation, or treatment plan. Before starting a new diet or exercise regimen, it’s a good idea to speak with your physician or a medical expert.

The information of The Websites is not meant to be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis, prescription, or consultation, and should not be used in place of such. Before beginning any diet, workouts, or supplements regimen, or if you have particular concerns about your health, please visit a physician or health professional.

While every effort has been made to validate the accuracy of the material supplied on The Websites, Diabetesbasher does not guarantee or represent that certain data is accurate, comprehensive, or correct, and can not be held liable for its practical implementation. Any use you make of the information provided on The Websites is entirely at your own risk, and you do so consciously and voluntarily.

If you plan to use any of the material you find on The Websites in the context of your own heath, Diabetesbasher strongly advises you to first discuss your plans with a qualified medical expert. If you decide to put any advice found on The Websites into practice, you are doing so with your own independent will and consent, with full knowledge and voluntary assumption of any risks.

disclaimer regarding the use of alternative and natural health methods

The content of The Websites, including but not limited to any recommendations for diet, nutrition, supplements, or food products, is not intended as medical advice. No content on The Websites should be construed as a recommendation or endorsement for the treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or cure of any condition.

Before trying any new treatment or following any new advise, it’s important to consult with your doctor or healthcare team first. Before beginning any new medication or making any major changes to your lifestyle, nutrition, or eating habits, you should always speak with your doctor or healthcare team.

Keep in mind that you need to get your doctor’s okay before using any herbs, nutritional techniques, or holistic therapies, especially if you are pregnant or nursing.

Your agreement with the terms of this health disclaimer

When you use The Websites, you’re agreeing to be bound by the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy, as well as this Medical Disclaimer. You acknowledge and agree that your use of The Websites and your implementation of any content from The Websites is entirely voluntary and that you do so at your own risk. Please do not use The Websites if you do not agree to all of these terms. If you use The Websites after any revisions to these Terms are posted, your usage after that date will be construed as acceptance of the revised Terms.

Reaching Out To Us

Feel free to get in touch with us at: [email protected] if you’ve got any queries regarding our Medical Disclaimer or the policies and procedures of The Websites or your interactions with The Websites.