Advertisement & Sponsorship Policy

Diabetesbasher’s goal is to serve as a hub where people with all forms of diabetes may go to get the facts they need to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. We are fully dedicated to prioritising the requirements of those whose lives have been affected by diabetes at all times. If there is ever a choice to be made between doing what is profitable and doing what is right for individuals with diabetes, we will always make the latter.

By allowing advertisements on our site, you are helping us keep up the advertising budget that is essential to producing the kind of content you expect. When applicable, we disclose our funding sources, but this does not affect the objectivity or independence of our news coverage.

Contact us at [email protected] with any comments or concerns you may have, including if you come across any adverts that you find offensive or deceptive.

Our advertisement policy

The ads and editorial material on Diabetesbasher are kept completely separate. All of the advertising on our site is all properly labelled as such. Sponsored content is clearly marked as such, and the companies behind it are named.

Ads of a specific variety are not permitted on our site.

Brands or items that are not acceptable for individuals with diabetes are not allowed to advertise or sponsor on our site. Not approved by the FDA drugs and supplements, cigarettes, and several health and aesthetic aids fall within this category.

Fraudulent, dishonest, or offensive content is not permitted in advertisements. This includes anything that stereotypes, mocks, or criticises consumers on the basis of their age, skin tone, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or physical or mental impairment. Derogatory, libellous, slanderous, or threatening content has no place in advertising.

We carefully distinguish advertising and endorsements from editorial content

All ads must properly identify the advertiser. clearly marks any advertising content as “Ad,” “Advertisement,” “Sponsored,” or a similar classification to make it clear that the advertiser is responsible for or associated with the content.

Except for sponsored content, which will be clearly labelled as such and identifiable with the description “Sponsored” and the name of the sponsor displayed prominently, advertisements will not affect the editorial content presented.

Our editorial team and review panel team will evaluate any sponsored editorial content to ensure it adheres to our editorial standards.

Affiliate programmes

We may sometimes offer links to related products we feel could be valuable for our audience in our editorial material. Please note that Diabetesbasher may get rewarded if you buy something at the retailer’s website upon clicking an affiliate link, even though all products are selected independently.

Diabetesbasher is a part of several affiliate advertising programmes, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, ClickBank, Maxbounty, etc., all of which are set up so that websites like Diabetesbasher can earn advertising revenue by advertising and referring to We’re an Amazon affiliate, so we get a cut of certain sales.

We take no responsibility for the content of such websites.

Any advertisement we accept in no way constitutes a recommendation of the offered product or service, or of the entity doing the manufacturing, distribution, or promotion (s).

Without respect to any commercial or promotional relation that may exist with the companies providing the product or service, the editorial team makes all decisions regarding reviews and ratings independently.

Please email [email protected] if you have any inquiries regarding advertising or sponsoring opportunities.